

Page history last edited by Jessica Miller 9 years, 8 months ago

Tools for Collaborating


On this page, you will find a list of different resources that help with classroom collaboration.  Not only can you, as a teacher,use some of the sources to collaborate with other teachers, but your students can also utilize these resources to collaboratewith their classmates or even with other classrooms across the world!





    -Good Reads lets you create or join book disucssion forums.  Teachers can create a discussion forum for students to post thoughts and questions about a reading assignment.  This forum could be used to evaluate students by requiring them to post thoughts about certain chapters, requiring them to respond to posts of other students, or having them answer specific questions throughout a reading.  




Edublogs                                                              WordPress                                             Blogger                                                                                 


-Blogs or weblogs are used for posting information (posts) and commenting. Teachers can create blogs using EduBlogs, Blogger, or WordPress.  These sites allow writers to reach out to readers and create conversations across space and time.  Blogs are one of the Web 2.0 interactive reading and writing tools that have made their way into many classrooms. Blogs can be used as classroom websites, tools for communicating with parents and students, or as tools for creating discussions that can take place out of the classroom. 





Edmodo                                                          Twitter                                                     Facebook                                                                                                


-Social Media Sites like Facebook and Twitter can be effective tools for collaboration.  Edmodo is also a social media site but is a protected environment for school/student use.

-Students can post thoughts and ideas or use apps within social media sites specific to the subject or topic being taught.  Like discussion forums, social media provides a platform for ongoing discussion, but the topics are not limited in social media as they may be within a specific discussion group.  





                         WordPress                                                           WikiSpaces


A Wiki allows content to be created and edited by a group of users working collaboratively.

A teacher can create a wiki with WordPress or WikiSpaces to allow students to add and edit content.  Uses might include book discussions, response to writing prompts, projects that include different media types, creating lessons to teach topics to other students, etc.  




          Gnowledge                                               Google Docs                                        JoinMe                                                                                            

Gnowledge allows teachers to collaborate in creating tests, exercises and assignments.  Students can also use the site to complete the tests, exercises or assignments.   With Google Docs  you can create, view and edit documents in real time.   Join Me Allows you to instantly share your screen with others so they can see what is being worked on.  







          Padlet                                                Mind42                                          Primary Wall                                                                               

Padlet allows users to add ideas to a board like you would place "sticky notes" on a page.  This allows teachers and students to gather ideas or notes on a topic.     Mind42 allows multiple users to  search the web and combine ideas in to collaborate and have all ideas   readily available to everyone.  Primary Wall is similar to Padlet, but designed for younger students. 



Comments (1)

sgreen97@... said

at 5:50 pm on Jun 10, 2015

Goodreads is a great site to use for classroom books clubs

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