
Other Resources

Page history last edited by snewbrou@uncc.edu 9 years, 8 months ago


Other Resources that will help you make your classroom a part of the 21st Century



15 Must Have iPad Apps: Here is a list of 15 great apps to use with elementary students on the iPad. One of the best parts of these apps is that they are all FREE!


20 Great Research Websites for Kids: Ask A Teacher has complied a list of 20 kid safe research websites that are great to use with elementary, middle, and high school students. 


50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools. By clicking on this link you will be taken to a site that will help you introduce a multitude of 21st tools to use in the classroom.


Assessing 21st Century Skills: This link takes you to an implementation guide for assessing 21st Century skills. "We must implement assessments that appropriately measure student skills and content knowledge. Such assessments must be meaningful, relevant, and supportive of long-term success in the 21st century" (Partnership for 21st Century Skills).


Google Scholar: Google scholar allows students to search strictly educationally driven pages. You can click the link and go directly there. 


K-5 iPad Apps According to Bloom's Taxonomy: Diane Darrow has published a 6 part serious on iPad apps that are useful for developing higher order thinking skills in grades K-5. Each part highlights a few apps that connect to the various stages on Bloom's continuum of learning. 


Standards for the 21st Century Learner: This is a link to the American Association of Liberians. Here you will fine a PDF file of the standards for 21st century learners. 



Comments (1)

Jessica Hanes said

at 8:04 pm on Jun 3, 2015

Google Scholar: Google scholar allows students to search strictly educationally driven pages.

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